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Alternative Banking and Recovery from Crisis
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Publish Year : 2014
Author/s : Kurt von Mettenheim, Olivier Butzbach
Publication (journal name/website etc.): http://www.progressiveeconomy.eu
Publisher / Publishing company: Progressive Economy Forum
Accessed on : 2016-06-13
Availability: For Free
Practice Oriented

This paper examines the unexpected back to the future modernization of "alternative banking" (mainly not-for-profit cooperative, savings and special purpose government banks) across Europe since 2000 and explores how alternative banking institutions may provide policy options to recover from crises, sustain social inclusion and accelerate sustainable development.

The paper also explores the implications of this back to the future modernization of social and public banking for banking theory, policy debates and strategies for recovery from crisis in Europe and abroad. 

Added by : Editors impact.capital on 15 Jun 2016 00:05:37
Article Comment
Editors Very good overview of both the historic and more recent development of not-for-profit "alternative" - cooperative, savings, government - banks, and a profound explanation of their (alleged) competitive advantages over private banks. A very valuable addition to banking theory!